State of the Party

They did that a week or two ago, if I recall correctly. Maybe see if we can get someone on their Privacy Awareness Week event (although that’s only 10 days away)?

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These are the ideas we need, SunnyK!

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We had a half built system handed to us, which Brendan worked on until he quit the party. @rundll has picked up the ball and run with it, and it should be operational soon.

Terrible. We can and should make videos, we just need someone to start writing the scripts, we have video people so it can be done. We are short of people having time to put in, so an already active member taking on a new project will mean something else doesn’t get done. If someone starts a video script I would be likely to come along and write large chunks of it, I just don’t want to run the project myself.

The EFA are doing this, we could do it if someone with the technical know-how puts their hand up to run the classes. I think they would have to be both competent and good at teaching stuff. The first crypto-parties in Melbourne (as an example) were too technical, complex and boring for anyone who wasn’t already immersed in IT stuff to learn anything useful. Volunteers?

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Like the ideas, they are great.

My view is we need to attract capable effective members of the party through use of cultural signalling. At present I don’t think the party really speaks to high capability politically engaged tech culture people. This is what the alt-right did. Their hackers and online campaigners came from somewhere very different to the traditional republican recruiting channels.

Ironically this movement, this party was first in that territory to recruit people with these skills, and we ignored and pushed it away in a desperate attempt to be taken seriously. Ironically the alt-right co-option of our space is now taken very very seriously politically, but we still are not.

We cannot sit around hypothesising great ideas of what we need to do to educate and gain media attention if we cannot sustain it with an organisational capability - that means people with skill and motivation and a command and control structure for fast, agile, independent action.

Yet to see this organisation effect anything more meaningful than a press release, so I would tender our current strategic command and control function isnt working to the level we need nor is the talent we recruit up to the task we need. Change. We need change.

So change it. The power is there for the members. We’re at a quiet phase in the electoral cycle, it’s good to look at new things.

While I understand what you’re saying, there are far more voters than “high capability politically engaged tech culture people”. Can we change a business owner’s vote through memes? Lol, no chance. Can we sway their vote through a discussion on why their ISP capturing their metadata is bad, and why universal income is placed to create more engaged workers for them to employ? Yeah, probably. Cultural signalling is great, but if you think /b/ won Donald the election, you’re having a laugh. What I’m saying it has it’s place and can be effective; but it’s not a solo strategy. I think there’s an underestimate made of normal people who just want to be talked to as people - that’s the real disconnect in Australian politics at present.

But you’re right, talk is talk. Some people have more time to contribute to getting things in action than others. If you’ve got time and would like to contribute, do it. Simples.

Thats why I’m posting. As an individual my efforts will not amount to much.

Of course it will.

Rodney was a solo voice before other people came and joined him to form the Pirate Party Australia, and now look.

Start something, make some noise, and others will come along. You talk about needing action, needing volunteers; if people like what they see they will join you. This allows what you’re doing to grow and expand. Jump on IRC and talk about it. Get some posted on FB or Twitter. Use the Social Media team to your advantage.

I’ll reiterate - the power is there for the members to take an idea and run with it. As long as it’s not breaking any laws or not damaging our image, have at it. Use your common sense. Start something.

At a glance, a problem I’m seeing at the moment is we, the National Council, are telling the whole party that anyone can proactively stand up and volunteer something, however what is being missed/misunderstood is the “proactive” part, mostly because there is interpretation that anything that is being thought “must” need NC approval, which is not correct.

I’m sure @twisty would highly appreciate volunteers to join the Social Media committee to get out there for one. Most committees like this are setup as mostly autonomous.

Whilst some ideas get shot down, it should not be interpreted as totality, but rather what was proposed was denied in that particular form. There are no sanctions in place to prevent people from providing alternative after alternative, as long as it does not directly conflict with the constitution and our policies.

@thesunnyk: MemberDB updates, where available, have been documented in the fortnightly NC IRC meetings. Mentions of it can be found here


I think we need some sort of marketing manager who has a decent background in marketing to come up with an ad or some sort of campaign, that can engage well with actual marketing firms to develop an effective ad campaign.

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This needs either money, or volunteers. The money part we’ve been working on (there were discussions at the 2015 Congress in Sydney of getting a paid employee to fill an admin role with an eye on expanding this).

I believe the upcoming changes to the National Council structure for the next term sort of cover this, but indeed we need some sort of person for marketing direction. Which brings us back to needing money…

They were proposed changes at the last Congress and I’m still completely against them, even more so now given the contortions required to undo it last year. If a similar constitutional amendment is put forward again I’ll oppose it, unless some sort of sensible middle ground is found. If members want the NC to directly manage specific and defined internal party areas of responsibility, I’d prefer we made it a form of ‘KPI’ for how the NC’s performance over a year is judged by the members where the final responsibility for action and reporting lies with the President.

I don’t want internal party hierarchy / structure / bodies (i.e. things that should be the result of strategic settings) embedded in our constitution constraining the highest body in the party, the NC, which is currently able to make such strategic decisions about how we organise internally. That amendment just fundamentally kills off all kinds of flexibility as far as I’m concerned.


Hello, Gnosis and Augur are doing good work on consensus. I as an individual am leaning strongly towards almost elitist meritocracy, obviously tangible output being the operative word.

Sorry, this electoral process is such a sham that have lost all faith in the process except for the oratory of the governors and journalists.

Studied socio capitalistic economics for 40 years only to find an exhibition centre.

DOW, LSE, NASDAQ, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan, and Indian Commodity exchange.

And somebody figure out how to get 1000 developers actively contributing to an open source project with an eye towards monetisation fork. That holds the future of everything.

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Like I’ve said before, I’m more than happy to help out with funding any long term marketing position through donations, I’m just hoping that changes start to happen before state elections roll around again, since most have moved onto 4 year terms we don’t have as many opportunities there as there were previously…

Maybe it could be countered by some sort of soft veto by members e.g. if X% of members object, it goes back to the NC? Or the other way around, if X% members agree the NC can make an executive decision?

This is already in the constitution, and is put up for update proposal each congress to keep in line with its own requirements.

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I wish I could volunteer for all the things. I just know my availability means I’m just clogging up the works rather than helping especially. I feel like I have a narrative about what pirates mean, and was thinking of writing some blog posts. If it ends up incidentally helpful it might be worth it, and it means no one is waiting around for me.


I think the more people helping shaping the views and message the better. Some of those views and messages will be terrible no doubt, but it will help create dialogue and move things forward.

Be brave. The least valuable person is the one sitting back safely never being criticised.

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+1 edeity. Any starting point is a good one. And the more people can help the better!

I can help with that …

We have the volunteers and gear to do practical things, I think we need written material. Party approved think pieces and infographic tier data/issue summaries. If anyone is thinking of doing any writing please go ahead!