Transparency over nuclear energy

France is substituting Russian gas mostly.

So no more energy independence for them. Costs will be higher and emissions too.

Very foolish.

So if we take the “fear factor” out, what does the $$$ for energy, equation tell us? would one reactor power all of SA needs?

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Positive aspects of nuclear energy:

Guaranteeing the safety of a Nuclear facility for 30years + is just seems impossible to me, and not worth the risk, War, natural disaster and and man failing to maintain it is just to risky.

Considering solar/wind/Wave/Thermal and advances in battery tech there are better options for the same investment.- one example -

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You can just say it’s extremely safe relative to other forms of energy. Statistics and mathematics will do the rest.

Don’t you think it odd that that Wikipedia page leaves out the numbers for Solar (not rooftop, as in big arrays for public generation) ? Maybe because it all stops in 2012.

So I checked out the original source for the Wikipedia statistics Mark linked to and only got as far as a forbes article that is extremely non-transparent about where those statistics in the table actually came from, even as there is a whole list of references at the bottom relating to fossil fuels. Someone would have to try and dig up the book that may be the source to try and see if the numbers have any merit at all, but I’m not gonna be that person today.

I just want to say that when discussing policy of such a high stakes issue, we should really be looking at properly peer-reviewed academic articles before evaluating different sources of energy. Articles that have verifiable validity of data, but also take into account things like the dark number of unknown deaths, the degree of uncertainty, and discuss the relevance of different types of statistics that can be used and what can safely be inferred from them. Absolute number of deaths, deaths per capita, or, in the case of the forbes article, deaths/trillionkWhr, etc.

Statistics are meant to help us form informed decisions, but we need to learn to recognise when they are presented to give an air of objectivity in order to cover up a bias, what data it is based on, what information is left out or hidden or not even gathered in the first place.

This thing that we’re trying to discuss here, is something that takes an entire thesis to understand how everything relates.