A new user interface - DFS reader

This has been a highly contentious topic, which ultimately saw the resignation of the instigator (who had been a long time member and served various roles throughout the party’s operations and management), as well as a couple of others because the argument got quite heated at times and they felt they were attacked by the instigator, so they felt compelled to leave. The topic is now otherwise considered a “dead horse” for us, because no clear consensus could be established, and no reasonable agreeable alternative surfaced. The thread exists here in read-only form.

There was also other discussion about rebranding on this thread:


What your suggesting is like an ancestor tree structure.
Im not sure if there are any projects that have done that with message boards,
But this discourse software is open source so you could fork and hack it if you wanted.
in terms of message boards this discourse one is kind of new and shiny and coded by some legends.
however im not exactly sure what goal you’d be trying to achieve with that structure.
It would have drawbacks too like discovering which branch you should be looking at.
often its easier to have the flatter simpler structure even though it can seem less sorted.
I think there could be some benefits though too.
I will take a look around maybe tomorrow.
The search feature on this board is quite good too actually.

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