Constitutional update suggestion: membership levels

I will propose a by-law that implements my proposal here to the new National Council to put to a full party vote sometime this year (hopefully soon) as per Article 4.3(1).

The text:

By-law 20XX-XX - Additional membership levels

1. Permanent Resident Membership

  1. Permanent resident members are entitled to all privileges of a full member, except they:
    a. Are unable to exercise those privileges which cannot be granted due to relevant federal, state or territory legislation.
  2. A permanent resident member must provide evidence of their permanent residency status to be eligible for this membership type.

2. Supporter Membership

  1. Supporter members are entitled to the same privileges as full members, except they:
    a. Are ineligible for National Council and Dispute Resolution Committee positions;
    b. May not lead any committee;
    c. Do not have voting rights, but have the ability to motion through the sponsorship of a full or permanent resident member;
    d. Are not eligible to stand as a candidate in any election the Party contests; and
    e. Are unable to exercise those privileges which cannot be granted due to relevant federal, state or territory legislation.
  2. This membership type is exempt from Article 4.1(1)(c).
  3. All current associate members will be hereby considered supporter members.

3. International Membership

  1. For all purposes, an international member is considered to be a supporter member, except they:
    a. Must reside at a non-Australian address; and
    b. Are exempt from the requirements of Article 2.1(5).

Full member remains unchanged (as expected). Associate is effectively renamed to Supporter, with one provision to exempt the membership type from exclusivity provisions, and a transitional provision to allow Associate members to be considered Supporter members until a constitutional amendment can be offered at the next Congress.

International type as discussed is considered a logical subtype of Supporter more for administrative purposes, and specifically exempts them from being a member of a local branch as they would have none.

Look forward to your comments.

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