July 21, 2018, 9:33am
Thanks @JustAKid !
it’s very difficult to find a solution to being able to stop a governmental abuse of boundaries with that system, it is certainly difficult to find a way to stop memes being taken too far without there being flaws or exploits in the solution. To anyone reading this I am more than open to ideas if you’ve got anything.
I think @Jano ’s ideas are promising possible solutions, by improving the ability of a collective intelligence to self-regulate. From what I’ve learnt in discussions with Jano, and from reading her work, I believe the idea is to implement a more nuanced rating system than just positive/negative (black&white, polarizing, divisive), but a scale of say -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3, on different aspects or criteria of a piece of material. The most relevant aspect/criterium here would be the level of respect for / violation of human rights:
Here’s some more background information:
The iP7-model kit contains 7 basic universal reality and decision criteria that underly intelligent human self-perception/-consciousness and self-congruent action, and that a (social) organism needs for a democratic self-regulation and self-control while promoting political equality and a holistic, common welfare-oriented approach. With increasing numbers of participants an increasingly precise democratic evaluation of political and economic performances becomes possible, with respect to basic needs and goals of the people, representativeness and constitutionality.
With iP7, a misanthropic policy, company or public acts, that are unlawful and harmful to common goods and health can be detected earlier and by basic democratic consensus - before the principles of human rights and subsidiarity, separation of powers and political equality are violated in the dark field of economic policy corruption… - or before courts are flooded by a high rate of complaints against non-legitimized policy violating human rights… - before the cart, so to speak, is already in the muck…
PS. We have lots more ideas of what’s wrong with and how to improve democracy in this forum thread: What's your thought on the current state of PPAU internal democracy? Should we experiment with a new voting system? - #13 by Jano
and on our website here: https://janonymous-and-the-rabbit-hole.net/
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