Lefties suffer lack of memes?

Thanks @JustAKid!

I think @Jano’s ideas are promising possible solutions, by improving the ability of a collective intelligence to self-regulate. From what I’ve learnt in discussions with Jano, and from reading her work, I believe the idea is to implement a more nuanced rating system than just positive/negative (black&white, polarizing, divisive), but a scale of say -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3, on different aspects or criteria of a piece of material. The most relevant aspect/criterium here would be the level of respect for / violation of human rights:

Here’s some more background information:



PS. We have lots more ideas of what’s wrong with and how to improve democracy in this forum thread: What's your thought on the current state of PPAU internal democracy? Should we experiment with a new voting system? - #13 by Jano
and on our website here: https://janonymous-and-the-rabbit-hole.net/

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