Party Update: August 2018

Policy Voting Results, National Council Vacancies, and the next Federal election

Hi Pirates -

Here’s some good news, some not-so-good news, and some things to think about.

Policy Motions

Firstly, I’m pleased to announce that all four Policy Motions were carried (i.e. passed) in the online voting this past week. The motion to accept the Financial Report was carried as well.

These results are archived on the Party wiki and on the Internet Archive.

National Council Vacancies

Less happily, we received no nominations for the by-elections to fill the vacant National Council and Policy Development Officer positions. As per part III 10.1(8)(d) of the Party Constitution, the National Council can now simply appoint applicants. If you’ve ever wanted to have an impact on the governance and administration of the party, now’s the time to step up.

We’re also seeking applicants for the emerging role of Equity Officer. More on that in this forum thread.

The Next Federal Election

The next federal election is due early next year (if nothing else, the last possible date for the Senate election is 18th May 2019). To contest the election, we need four main things. In approximate order of importance, they are:

  1. Candidates to run
  2. Volunteers organised into one or more Campaign Committees to support the candidates
  3. A strategy to follow
  4. Money to pay for it!

The time will soon be here when we work out who is running and where we will contest. Initial discussions on one potential aspect of our election strategy have already begun on the Party forums.

The process of Candidate Preselection will begin very shortly. Please expect an email announcing the full details in the next few days.

Re-energising the Party

Let’s face it: the Party isn’t particularly active right now. However, attacks on our principles and values are relentless. As I see things, we have two options: (1) give up, or (2) get ourselves into gear – and (1) isn’t very appealing.

So I have two questions for you:

1. What sort of Pirate-y things would you get involved with, if someone else organised it?

2. What sort of Pirate-y things would you be able to organise yourself (or with some guidance)?

I look forward to your responses.

Let’s Get Going!

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