Pirate Party "Right Wing" ideas thread

I, for one, was unsurprised by the US election result.

This article is similar to some of the articles shared earlier, but comes from a more personal perspective.

(Following comments assume the you have read the article.)

I think it may be more productive to think in terms of “What do we have to offer these sorts of people?” instead of “What right wing ideas can we adopt?” We want to win people over. We don’t want to compromise our values. How do we fight for the economically disadvantaged? How do we grow the economy of the country and small towns.

One thing I know we can do is to truly stand up for their right to free speech. After all, free speech is one of the top priorities on our platform. Give them room to spout their ideas, even if only to refute them. When we refute them, don’t do it mockingly. When Danny Nalliah gets tried for vilification of Islam (this happened before we existed, so we could not actually be involved), We should be the ones offering to donate to pay for his lawyer. I’m not privy to what Nalliah actually said, but as a free speech defender, it shouldn’t matter. He should be allowed to say it.
When Uthman Badar is meant to give a talk (at the Festival of Dangerous ideas no less) entitled “Honour Killings are Morally Justified”, and the public outrage is such that the festival organisers feel compelled to cancel that talk, we should be writing editorials in support of his freedom to give the talk and the festival’s right to host it. Honour killings are morally reprehensible, and I don’t understand why anyone would do such a thing. That is the very reason I want to hear what Badar has to say.

When the Border Force Act threatens detention centre workers with jail for speaking out about the abuse they see, we should be the ones defending them in editorials and donating for their lawyers.
Likewise when Rob Pyne proposes the “Health (Abortion Law Reform) Amendment Bill 2016” which would ban anti-abortion protests within a “protected area” (this example is Queensland specific), we should stand up for their right to protest, even though our policy is to offer baseline abortion services nationwide.

For reference: our policy on abortion
Why Rob Pyne’s proposal is likely unconstitutional

Our Marriage policy is excellent in this regard. It strongly supports LGBTI rights, without impinging on the free-speech rights of conservatives/the church/etc who believe that gay marriage is wrong. It won’t force churches to perform gay weddings, which is, from what I gather, their second main concern after the apocalyptic collapse of society. A Christian friend of mine actually first got me interested in the Pirate Party specifically because of how fair this policy is to both sides of the gay marriage debate. I don’t know how to make this policy better known or to bring other parties into line, but we can definitely make our other policies this balanced.

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