PPAU Suggestions Agenda

Science I belonged to PPAU I tried always to see the environment to understand first then to work and change according to the reality.

So I feel now that I can present some views to improve our beloved PPI paths through our great PPAU … to get better.

So, I hope that it will be okay. I’m gonna be happy to discuss that anytime.

And I desire to begin soon.


Only one question…

What does “Step forward by working horny” on slide 22 mean? Perhaps English is not your first language and there is some translation mistake here? Maybe mine and your translations are different, or I have a sick mind.

Yea @Mobius2011 I’m not. I’m not Australian. Certainly with pleasure I can correct my mistakes. Thanks.

According to Urban dictionary; work horny means: when one has a desire to get work done :slightly_smiling_face:

Well then. That would explain it.


Not my call mate. I have no say here. I’m not even sure who is who as yet.Just pointing out something, that if it were to be used as part of professional messaging for a political party, it might not go down well.

@Ahmad, maybe go with the Oxford dictionary or dictionary.com


It is not representing the party of course. It’s just a suggestion. But certainly I hope one day it will be professional after learning from the pirates community.

Done @Andrew I changed it
Are there any other parts not clear?

@twisty tell me your opinion

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I’ve closed the duplicate topic in the Bureau. Let’s keep the chat in one topic.

Your understanding is appreciated. Have at it.

Ok. I don’t understand most of it. But then, I’m not the sharpest tool so, don’t be discouraged. I find the visuals a bit distracting as well (eg. the map, for various reasons). So I think the best way I can help make it clearer for me is to start with the text only.

If you like I would help edit a plain text of your presentation to see if we can make it a bit clearer. I could start a Pirate Pad so other Pirates could contribute. Just post the plain text of your Suggestions Agenda in a reply here and I’ll start the pad (and do a bit of editing).

Up to you.

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Well …

A political party is formed with the motive of capturing power and using it as an instrument to serve the people in the method they believe is correct. The leader of the party spreads its ideology among the masses and several people become its members. That is how the party grows. Most people will join a party only if it can come to power or has a reasonable chance of doing so. The members of the party are driven by a desire to come to power and retain it. If a party repeatedly loses and remains out of power, it will face an existential crisis.

Swarm As Strategy described how we can organize the power of people to work passionately, but the main idea - in my opinion - is the power points ( the main projects) which we need to do not lose our attractiveness.

In a nutshell; I presented 3 suggestions to lead us towards continuity of the power …

International members committee: a number of technocrats and talented activists who can help us spread our power inside and outside Australia. Also to focus on integrating with PPI.

PPAU Academy: is a methodology to draw our future leaders and potential members in, rather than outwardly pushing a brand, personality, service or power onto prospects in the hope of generating leads or members.

This means using a combination of channels – most commonly content marketing, SEO, and social media – in creative ways to attract people’s attention. The aim of a successful PPAU campaign is to increase reach, and drive quality traffic, engagement and conversions using ‘earned’ and ‘owned’ media.

PPAU Think-Tank: according to Forbes; the output of think tanks usually falls into four categories: published research, educational programs, advocacy campaigns, and “do-tank” products. “Do-tanks” provide services, such as pro bono legal defense, or management and technical support.

Working through networks has become essential for achieving some think tank goals. Developing, nurturing and mobilizing networks became another task for governments, businesses, and NGOs.

So I think the first and second suggestions will lead us to achieve the last, and all of them will make the power to us something permanent and renewable.

Take a look @twisty

Ahmad. I like it.

I thought your slides were shit.

But I like your explanation.

I’m willing to engage

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So; what are we gonna do @John_Wilson :slight_smile:

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