PDC meetings happen at 8:30pm (AEDT) on the second Tuesday of every month. Working groups should meet at least once a month (even if only briefly) and then have at least one delegate (or “chair person”) from each working group report on progress and/or issues at the PDC meeting.
The PDC meetings themselves should be able to be kept fairly brief, given now we’ve got a whole series of working groups under way.
Meetings will start with working group reporting, then any potential issues which need to be discussed regarding particular working groups.
From this point the formal component of the meeting will conclude, and allow for any additional agenda items, policy discussion, suggestions, “in the news” issues, general discussion etc. On this basis I’ll now start writing up formal agendas for the PDC meetings and cease running them in an ad hoc manner. With all the additional participants, upping the PDC organisational standards is now imperative in my view.
*Note, additional recruits for any/all working groups are always welcome and in many cases sorely needed. Pirates please get on board… Arrrrrr!
List of this year’s Working Groups and participants:
Agriculture Policy - Twisty, Jesse_H (mothballed - low priority, but still recruiting)
Patents - Creative Methods Act - revision - AndrewD, CameronM, MarkG, BillM, Jesse_H
New Diversity & Equality Policy - SimonG, AndrewD, jedb et al. (RECRUITING, on hold until more diverse)
Startup and Innovation Policy - AndrewD, SimonG
Rent Collection Policies - Jesse_H, MarkG
Job Guarantee Policy - Jesse_H, MarkG, CameronM
Video Gaming Policy - SimonG et al. (RECRUITING, to be determined)
Electoral System Reform Policy - jedb, AndrewD, alexj, SimonG
Space Policy (sub category of National Science Plan) - MilesW, alexj (RECRUITING, on hold until more members)
Please link relevant pads for each working group below when established.