2019: The election is fast approaching!
Hi Pirates -
This is partly your monthly Party update for December 2018, but mostly a call to arms for 2019.
“Ass Access” Bill – maintain the rage!
Early in December, the Assistance and Access Bill was passed. The Coalition and Labor have decided that given a choice between (a) appearing soft on crime and (b) having a tech industry who can sell anything internationally, they’d rather not have the tech industry.
They got strong and unanimous public pressure about it. (Thank you if you did call or email them.) They just don’t care.
Well, we already knew that those dinosaurs need replacing.
We are Australia’s digital rights party. The election is less than six months away.
(Maybe less, if things fall apart during one of the handful of Parliamentary sitting days left.)
Campaigning starts now.
Most voters have their minds made up before the day of the election. Handing out flyers at a polling place is necessary, but not sufficient. We must articulate our values and policies well in advance.
If you live in NSW/Vic/Qld/WA, we’re definitely contesting the election in your state. If you live in SA/Tas/ACT/NT, you can still express your interest for preselection if you want to have a Pirate on your ballot paper.
Here’s five straightforward ways you can help the campaign:
If your membership has recently expired or is expiring soon, renew it!](https://members.pirateparty.org.au%29/)
Hand out flyers for a couple of hours with your fellow Pirates - then head to the pub! To find your local crew, or to volunteer as a coordinator, jump on the forum.
Personal recruitment: chances are good that you know someone who shares our values. Convince them to join too. The more people we have, the more effective we can be.
If you can afford it, donations are always welcome. (Especially if you live somewhere we aren’t running candidates.) Donations of up to $1500 total per financial year are tax-deductible.
Get on social media and help spread the word online - more on that below.
It’s still the depths of holiday season, so it’s OK to start off slowly. But once January really gets going, we have to get going as well.
Other Party updates
Firstly, we’re delighted to announce that Paul de Abel has been confirmed by member vote as our second Senate candidate in Western Australia.
Sneaking under the radar due to the political focus on the Assistance and Access Bill , the government recently passed an amendment to the Copyright Act, which expanded the site blocking powers. You can read our press release here.
With the looming electoral campaign and the sheer amount of political idiocy needing coverage, we need your help to get angry words out about it on the internet! Follow the Party on Facebook and Twitter, share our content, and maybe even write a blog or two of your own. If you want to help out with working on official party content flick us an email: Social Media, Press Team, or Policy Development.
Happy New Year!