I don’t see a reason to limit who can place their names on materials in the auth tag, it is still approved by the NC. Limiting it to secs/pres doesn’t serve a worthwhile purpose IMO, if any member wants to put their home address on a piece of content, we should let them take that responsibility, +1 for that member’s participation.
What did you intend by this change Mozart? I’m not understanding it.
should any member of the National Council reject the authorisation of a material:
If a Councillor is refused authorisation under this section:
It seemed that administrative and public-facing members of the party were best placed to authorise such content, especially as it would have to go through the National Council — if an individual Councillor isn’t willing to put their name on it, it doesn’t bode well.
I honestly do not care enough to oppose a change though.
On the whole I don’t think this process is as clear as it could be and will try to further improve it when I can.
Thanks for trying to clean/wiki it Mozart, a little of what I’ve intending process wise has been lost in all the moving around.
I’ve made some more edits inline with what I intended to put to the NC, let me know if you have any questions. I do prefer keeping the flow in the form of: definitions, scope, material creation process, final approval process.
Was there any reason the Design Officer was put back in? We don’t have one and haven’t had any interest in someone doing Design for months. I decided to leave the role out of the authorisation process until such a time as someone was interested in doing it.
Edit: Now that I have had coffee, I don’t recall removing the Design Officer, so it was probably me who left it in. Fail.
What do people think about removing reference to the role?
Side note: Using pads is way better for seeing who made what changes. I was hoping for criticism, not re-writes (All good though). >.>