Oh, Brendan… You’re intelligent, passionate, and clearly have the best interests of the party at heart. But suggesting I’m not arguing in good faith, questioning my debating technique and mentality, suggesting I lack respect for the party and its members, and accusing me of shitposting…?
Yes, my link to Libertarianism on urban dictionary was largely a reference to American usage of the term. But as we are influenced in Australia by American culture, it’s still a valid point.
I’m not approaching this as a tribal issue, it was simply an observation about where the debate seems to have wound up.
I don’t thing I’m correct in any objective sense. I think this entire debate is fundamentally subjective and speculative.
You, Frew, and others have made a good case for why renaming the party makes sense if we want to increase electability and potential mass appeal.
I did put forth arguments in favour of the Pirate name earlier, but noted then that if we want mass appeal, the mass appeal argument probably trumps all of those.
Libertarian Left or Left Libertarian is a good description of where our policies lie on the political spectrum.
But I, personally, don’t like the name. And I am speculating that it will be a turn-off for some unknown number of voters, because of the baggage that I believe the word libertarian has attached to it, and also because it’s “just another political party name”, same as all the others. I’m also speculating that it will be opposed by some unknown number of our membership, for the same reasons.
Maybe I’m wrong and it will be a turn-off for nobody. Maybe I’m a bit right, but it will only be a turn-off for, like, half a dozen people, and won’t actually matter at all. Maybe I’m very right, and it will be a disaster. I just don’t know, and I don’t think anybody else does either.
BTW, thank you for updating the original post to cover the question of taint in more detail, that’s a very well presented argument.