Is it the PPAU "Discourse", "Discuss" or "Discussion forum"?


Preferred terminology we should standardise on?

  • Discourse
  • Discuss
  • Discussion forum

0 voters

I would have liked a #bikeshedding option :slight_smile:

  • Make it consistent
  • Keep it inconsistent
  • Donā€™t care either way
0 voters

Bikeshedding aside, this can be objective. I still donā€™t really care, but it can be.

ā€˜Discussā€™ is an abbreviation used in the url, happens all the time with other stuff, and shouldnā€™t be indicative of the actual name.

ā€˜Discourseā€™ is the name of the software being used, and so if we just use that name things could get awkward in the future if we ever change to some other forum code. Tight coupling bad.

ā€˜Discussion forumā€™ is what this place actually is.

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Itā€™s just a question on how we should self reference this forum either when chatting informally or in any future guides/official docs.

All choices could be equally correct in one way or another.

I held off asking for a while but suddenly a third contender appeared

ā€œDiscussion forumā€ has been rolled out by @rundll everywhere except the URL which is an abbreviation and doesnā€™t need to be changed.

Closing the polls since itā€™s been decided. ^^

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Discussion Forum = Correct Title
Discuss = Accepted Abbreviation

Could we please have the title changed to ā€œPPAU Discussion Forumā€ so that the tab title doesnā€™t truncate in Browsers



Iā€™ve reversed the order of the discussion forums site title.

The short form Party name is not a good idea for reasons.

My energy for this topic is spent. Itā€™s really pretty outside here in Hobart today, might be time for a beer.


Iā€™ll go along with that