While this is true, @Jano’s work aims to address these and other issues. I do see potential in that it could improve both participation rates and quality of decision-making, including in policy development.
A programmer’s skills combined with scientific knowledge of motivational psychology has the potential of revolutionising democracy to be more accessible and simultaneously integrate complex subject matter in a structured, systematic manner. Having a scientific understanding of what are the appropriate levels of complexity of decision-making at different stages of development and for different kinds of problems would improve the quality of the solutions. Also, having a tool for collective rating of information and texts based on several criteria reduces bias in the evidence-based foundation of decision-making.
The lack of participation and diversity would also be helped by a more structured model of participation. It ensures that every voice raised would meaningfully contribute and the best solutions are found and selected. People can are repeatedly asked for their opinion on political topics which effect them, oppress them, which we as a party that wishes to represent them have an obligation to listen to. Think of it as non-manipulative opinion surveys that can actually change politics.
It is often said that Aussies are so apathetic towards politics. I think this is only half true. We often come off as apathetic because we are alienated: we see no meaningful way to fix sh*t and aren’t about to waste our time and energy on a lost cause. Politics is broken. Let’s fix it.
We need to be ready, "The waiting is the hadest part" now we are standing in the wings, but when the curtain goes up, or maybe comes down, we need to be prepared to hit the ground running.
One needs to be also careful of “wankspeak” , as I call it, Which our present calibre of ignorants in Canberra excell at. As an average Australian, who has gone through hardships of life, Australian’s are not politically pathetic, we currently despise and have no respect for our politicians due to them having set themselves up as a sort of different species who are above we regular folk. They don’t have to live with the policies they have inflicted upon us, they see themselves as above that. The three main parties are now so indistinguishable from eachother in policy mentality and in the conceit they have for believing that ONLY a main party is best for everyone. I could go on but there isn’t enough room here. And one thing we do not want to do is promote ourselves as elitist and over qualified, meaning oh, we are so much smarter than you because we are all professors, university lecturers, bachelor’s of this or that, scientists, etc You need people - people, of the people, from the people, for the people !