Party updates - November '18
Hi Pirates -
A few updates for November.
Preselection continues
Our previous round of preselection left us with only one candidate in WA, Clive Myers. He needs a running mate, so the National Council has opened a second round of preselection for the second spot on the WA Senate ticket.
Preselection is open and will culminate in a Preselection Meeting to be held on Saturday the 1st of December, online on PirateIRC, at 4PM Perth time.
Email the National Council if you’re interested in running – I’ll talk you through the process.
State and Territory Coordinators wanted
If you want to see this party succeed, a great way to help out is by becoming a State or Territory Coordinator. Your duties will include scheduling local meetups, organising local volunteers, and helping work towards state-level branch registration.
Organisational updates
We’re also pleased to announce that John Wilson has stepped up early last month to become Deputy Secretary.
How you can help out
We still have vacancies for the positions of Policy Development Officer and Press Officer.
If you’re a writer or a designer, your talents will be valued in the Press Team or in the Pirate Bureau.
As always, I invite you to be here on the forum to give your input on current events, interesting articles, and much more.
Happy sailing,
Alex Jago
Pirate Party Australia