Hello everyone, I’ve drafted a letter to send out to Australian political parties asking them why we should preference them. Once these letters are received, they will be published on the wiki and sent to all members for reading before we vote on our preference recommendations. The following list of parties to contact was prepared from the AEC list of registered parties, plus a few unregistered parties which look likely to run candidates. Some of the registered parties we are unlikely to contact on the basis that their policies and values are in too much conflict with our own. These lists are mostly unordered, and mostly use the party name as given on the AEC register.
Please let the National Council know if you have any suggestions for other political parties to contact, or if you disagree on the parties on the “Do Not Contact” list.
Party contact list
Australian People’s Party
Western Australia Party
Victorian Socialists
Transport Matters Party
Socialist Alliance
Sustainable Australia
Socialist Equality Party
Shooters Fishers and Farmers
Reason Party
Rex Patrick Team
Citizens Party
Australian Federation Party
Climate Emergency Action: Vote Planet
Jacquie Lambie Network
Katter’s Australia Party
Liberal Democrats
Independents CAN
Democratic Labour Party
Animal Justice Party
Together Party
Australian Better Families
Federal ICAC Now
Australian Democrats
Science Party
Affordable Housing Party
Secular Party
Australian Greens
Australian Progressives
Australian Labor Party
Advance Australia Party
Australian Workers Party
The New Liberals
Centre Alliance
Do not contact list
Australia First Party
Australian Christians
Christian Democratic Party
Country Liberal Party
Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party
Health Australian Party
Informed Medical Options Party
Liberal Party of Australia
Love Australia or Leave
National Party of Australia
No5G Party
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation
The Great Australia Party
United Australia Party