On November 3rd and 4th Pirate Party International will be holding their 8th General Assembly in Munich. PPI is an NGO body for international pirates with a focus on advocacy to the UN and other professional bodies. In the past Pirate Party Australia has provided advice to PPI regarding the following issues:
- Transparency of financial structure and board operations
- Verifiability of their voting processes
- Democratic participation via online participation at General Assemblies
- Provision of logistical support to national Pirate bodies through server/software resources, graphic design resources, advice on campaigns and promotions etc.
Pirate Party Australia has been invited to attend as observers and it is my intent to do so to review the progress of PPI on the issues raised above. I’m inviting members of PPAU and interested others to attend as well. The GA will be held on the 3rd and 4th of November starting 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time and run until approximately 2am (you won’t be forced to attend the whole time). I’ll be providing a report back to the following National Council meeting about
Anyone who is interested, please email internationalrelations@pirateparty.org.au for full details.