

WARNING - Many edits.

Are we doing it this year?

ps. crap image.
pps. and … wtf with the date?!

ppps. can this be made … shiny? Like, for dumb-fuck farmers like me?!

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Congress will happen this year, like every year.

It has to be held starting in July and conventionally it’s over a weekend. We also have a 42 day lead time on the announcement.

42 days from Literally Today is the first Saturday in July, so that one’s out but the other three are still available.

@mandrke has been busy checking out options, and Congress will be the main discussion topic at the NC meeting on Tuesday


I’m suggesting the last weekend of July, as is tradition (because we always start organising it late)

Personally I would prefer the second-last weekend, because one of my choirs has a big concert on the evening of the 27th.

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I was wanting it to happen on the weekend of the 20th/21st.