Hey Pirates!
Do you have a background in communications or public relations? Have you travelled a lot, speak a language other than English, or enjoy learning about other cultures? Do you shrug off jetlag or are otherwise used to having a screwed sleep cycle?
Because we’re reforming the International Relations Committee and if you said yes to any of the above then you might be interested in joining. Duties of the committe include:
- Liasing with international members of the Pirate movement including Pirate Parties International, Pirate Party Europe.
- Identify friendly international groups or individuals to collaborate with.
- Assist with organising international events.
- Prepared to (occasionally) participate in international events in a non-Australian timezone.
If you are interested in applying or learning more, please message enquiries@pirateparty.org.au with a few words about why you are interested in doing international relations work for the party. For an example of recent events which were organised under the IR committee, check out our recent interview with three elected Members of the European Parliament here Pirate Live with three MEPs from the European Parliament - YouTube