Right to Repair, and vehicle modifications

I’ve just been informed that all the states have different and mutually incompatible vehicle modification rules (instant reaction: WTF?). We’ve been asked to make a pre-election commitment to fixing that. @miles_w points out that this actually ties in with Right to Repair, which we talk about a bit but don’t explicitly call out in the platform.

I think we could do another position statement on this.


This is relevant to my interests.

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Which specific area of legislation is being problematic for the right to repair?

Copyright? I know DRM has been abused to achieve limits on right to repair.

Patent? Preventing 3rd parties from producing parts, then limiting availability of ‘genuine’ parts to approved suppliers.

I think we have the copyright issue covered in policy. Not so much the Patent case though. We could add something about limiting anti-competitive practices.

It certainly aligns with our general philosophical position.

The word ‘repair’ is currently never mentioned in existing policy, so I think that’s a glaring and rectifiable omission.

modifications and repairs are two different things

@alexjago, you were talking about a Position Statement.

Position Statements can be used to position existing policies in relation to some broader current political issue. For example, relating Copyright policy to right-to-repair issues.

Position Statements can’t be used to create new policy.

Hence, I was exploring how current policy related to right-to-repair.

Position Statements can be used to create new policy that is consistent with existing policy.


That’s not what it says, and was never the intent.

It says:

Position statements expand upon and complement the Party platform and policies by

  1. combining parts of separate policies into a statement on a specific issue, or
  2. applying the principles in the Party Constitution, platform and policies to a specific issue.

It’s about interpretation and application of policy, not creating new policy. That requires member voting.

Although if you repair something, better or worse than the original, it is now a modification.

And in NSW all modifications are illegal.

… states have some different and mutually incompatible vehicle modification rules. I’d like some examples from your informer.

It a no-brainer. Common rules and laws across this wide brown land (how simple is that!). States … what a waste.

yeah … nah.

It’s about the intention.

If my vehicle breaks I repair it to as near factory as is reasonable. If I decide I want my vehicle to perform differently then I modify it beyond factory specifications. eg. If I bust the suspension in my 4wd I can replace it with standard components (repair). If I want my 4wd to climb rocks I can fit a 6" lift kit (modification).

The “right to repair” modern vehicles is a furphy. Who knows how to fix a new Tesla or a Massey Ferguson? Let alone a new hay baler! The companies, that’s who. New vehicles are technological marvels that no mere farmer could ever hope to understand. I mean, how many degrees wound I need just to understand the software? Huh? The age of “DIY” is quickly coming to and end.


eg. https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/roads/registration/get-nsw-registration/standards/raising-lowering-vehicles.html

Modifications to the ride height up to 75mm that incorporate a maximum change in the suspension of 50mm, and/or an increase in the diameter of the wheel and tyre combination of up to 50mm.

Are you a dumfuck or do you just like being rude?
Your a bit out of date with your information,
"Modifications that do not require certification
A vehicle that is modified by incorporating optional components offered by its manufacturer, or
otherwise modified so that it continues to comply with the manufacturer’s specifications, does
not require certification. To check if the modification complies, contact the vehicle
manufacturer to determine the vehicle’s original specifications and/or options.
Other modifications that do not require certification are:
(a) Replacement of parts or components by identical parts or components.
(b) Replacement parts or components with parts or components with equivalent functional
(c) Optional parts or components as prescribed by the vehicle’s manufacturer. "

@Cizin, @twisty, kindly refrain from swearing at each other.


I didn’t “swear” at anyone. I called bullshit on a statement with no evidence that is obviously wrong. Vehicle modifications are not illegal in NSW. Many 4wd’s are modified, legally. Have a look. There’re everywhere. Perhaps it’s a simple misunderstanding about what “modifications” are. idk.

However, my personal intelligence and social conditioning were questioned … over the word “bullshit”. Again Goldenmane’s 3rd rule of public discourse proves true. “Swear” words trigger those emotionally attached to “their ideas” and they’ll respond with vociferous complaints that highlight their intellectual vacuity (see the 2 replies to my post for evidence).


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I should rephrase. They don’t recognise other state’s certification documents. If you’ve got a modified vehicle and you have to move states, you have to go through the entire bureaucracy again.

gotcha. I also went back and read the thread on FB. SS makes good points.

Hey Joe,

You are referring to a website guideline that is making some convenient lists of things that you can simply do without being impacted. Those things you listed are a non-exhaustive list of things that are simply OK.

The actual detailed specification is in the document I linked above.
Many mods are allowed. They don’t like things like when you lower your vehicle badly and the tyres scrape inside the wheel arch.

Hi Andrew,

I didn’t pick you for a car guy check out my X FB Page

your reference doc 2016, if only we could turn back the clock

You know what they used to say "If its got tits or wheels, sooner or later it will cause you trouble"

So what we have is the Federal Government,


pretty meaningless to the every day motorist.

The States, have there own legislation and will never give it up because of the income it provides. Its a movable feast<a class="attachment" href="/uploads/default/original/2X/2/2872b53dbc4a4f62c8279a03ba4398d5ab1def91.pdf">ais-notice-36.pdf</a> (135.0 KB)

Once upon a time if a policeman saw you driving what was clearly un safe car, he could pull you over give you a defect notice, and tell you to get it fixed. Now here is the tricky part, now, you can be pulled over if the car appears to be modified, in any way, the cop does not need to sight any concerns for safety. he will direct you to take the car to an inspection station, and you will receive a fine. Remember even changing your exhaust will modify your car and take it out out speck it will alter the tune and your start-up emission can breach the regs. The Law and its intent and how the police interprets and choose to enforce it, well that’s another topic.

Its all bout the money, the big new importers lobby hard to get older and cheaper cars off the roads. No intrest loan, get into a new Mustang