If the Pirate Party Australia had the full support of both houses of Australian government, what three issues would they push into law?
Why stop at three? If we controlled both houses, we would just implement our entire platform.
Maybe a better Question is: “If Pirate Party Australia had the [balance of power of both houses of the Australian Parliament] [1], what three issues would they push into law?” e.g. The ALP in 1901.
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_federal_election,_1901
My main focus would be economic reform so my first policy would absolutely be NIT/Basic Income followed by Patent+copyright reform. Then it would most likely be a Bill of Rights (which can incorporate many of the party’s civil liberties policies).
Because a limit like three shows people what the main interests are.
With a name like “Pirate Party”, that would never be the case. It’s only with the support of both houses that laws could come into play.