Announcements - March 2019

Announcements - March 2019

Hi Pirates -

A number of announcements and updates for March 2019.

Campaigning Steps Up

The election is only two months away.

As a small party, each and every one of us needs to help campaign somehow. Our candidates have been doing fantastic work, and it’s up to us to support them in that. So let’s connect with them and our fellow Pirates.

So this week, your first task is to get on the Party forum in the Local Crews section and make a post to organise a meet-up with some other Pirates in your local area.

Handing out flyers on the day is necessary, but not sufficient. People need to know about us before that.

So your second task this week is to help people learn about us. One easy way would be to check out the Party’s social media accounts and repost something that’s relevant to you. Here’s Facebook, and here’s Twitter.

National Council Vacancy

Andrew Downing has stepped down from the National Council, creating a vacancy for a Councillor position. We thank Andrew for his time this past year.

We will need to hold a by-election to fill this vacancy. If more than one person applies, the election will be held on Saturday 23rd March. (This is the same day as the NSW state election - democracy bonanza!)

If you’ve ever wanted to help formally lead this organisation, now’s your chance. Email by Thursday 21st March to apply.

Privacy Policy Update

We are considering an update to the Party’s (internal) privacy policy. We have a very strong privacy policy and we’re proud of that. However, it’s both a little out of date, and it’s incredibly restrictive about who is allowed to contact members – suffice to say, it’s hard to run an electoral campaign when local coordinators can’t contact people themselves.

We’ll be holding this discussion on the Party forums. If you’d prefer to comment privately, please reply to this email.


As per our established procedure, we will be democratically determining our preferences. I have been contacting all the other parties to see what common ground we have, and at the end of this month we’ll run a membership vote to establish our preferred ranking. More information about this is on the forum.


We’ll be launching our election crowdfunding soon too. Get excited, because our traditional top perk of “Honorary Ship’s Captain” might just involve a real ship…

Kind Regards,


Nominations for Councillor close today! Email us if you’d like to help lead the party: